Razvoj ekološke svesti dece

Collection of projects: Development of ecological awareness of preschool children

Development of environmental awareness of preschool children - Collection of projects

The development of ecological awareness of preschool children is a FREE electronic book. It contains a collection of completed projects of preschool institutions that developed the environmental awareness of preschool children. The goal of this publication is to spread good practice and encourage other preschool institutions to develop environmental awareness in children from an early age and create an incentive to implement actions to preserve the environment.

Razvoj ekološke svesti dece predškolskog uzrastaThe presented collection of projects "Development of environmental awareness of preschool children" provides an insight into creative and educational activities undertaken in various preschool institutions. In each of the presented projects, the focus is on stimulating environmental awareness and encouraging children to think about environmental protection.

This collection serves as an ideal resource for educators, professional associates and directors of preschool institutions, providing them with ideas and inspiration for developing similar projects. The projects cover various topics, from air and natural resource research to actions on recycling and waste disposal.

In the introductory part, the importance of developing environmental awareness from an early age is emphasized, and the collection provides concrete examples of how preschool institutions can successfully and interestingly integrate environmental education into the everyday life of children.

The projects presented in this collection not only encourage children's interest in the environment and nature, but also develop their analytical and team skills. Through cooperation with experts from the community, as well as the active role of parents, the projects are directed towards the creation of a broad social foundation of ecological values.

The collection provides an insight into creative and innovative teaching methods, adapted to preschool age, which especially contributes to the creation of the next generation of conscientious and responsible citizens.

This publication presents the projects of the following preschool institutions:

  1. Preschool institution "Pava Sudarski" from Novi Bečej from kindergarten "Jovanka Dobrosavljev Mica" in Novo Miloševo, educators Jelena Radulović and Biljana Veskov
  2. Preschool institution - Kindergarten "Cvrčak" from Novi Sad, teachers Milenka Vasić and Tamara Rajlić
  3. Preschool institution from Zrenjanin, Kindergarten "Biberče", educators Biljana Aršinov and Nevena Vuksanović
  4. "Detinjstvo" preschool from Žablje, "Mudra sova" kindergarten, teachers Branka Pavlović and Milana Jovankin.


The company Sojaprotein DOO from Bečej supported the publication of this publication.

The book can be downloaded at the link: Development of environmental awareness of preschool children Collection of projects.


1 thought on “Zbirka projekata: Razvoj ekološke svesti dece predškolskog uzrasta”

  1. Sluzim se vec interaktivnim knjigama dr Dragane , od velike su pomoći za rad sa decom predškolskog uzrasta

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