Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings
(5 customer reviews)

Original price was: 2,990.00рсд.Current price is: 1,990.00рсд.

Author: Dragana Malešević, PhD
Publisher: PROVENS
Binding and format: hardcover, 220×220
Number of pages: 64 pages
Release year: 2023.
ISBN: 978-86-81816-35-6

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Description of the method in the "Books you grow with" edition


DISCOVERING A WONDERFUL WORLD - an interactive book with 93 QR links and a matrix is intended for children aged 5 to 8+ and belongs to the "Books with which you grow" edition written according to the method of Dragana Malešević, PhD. The interaction between the child and the book is achieved through text, images, QR codes and a matrix for self-control. QR codes allow the book to guide the child to audio and video recordings. The matrix provides the possibility of self-assessment so that the child can only check the accuracy of his answers.

The content of the book consists of: seasons (characteristics, clothing, activities of people, plants, animals); measurements: time, temperature, liter, kilogram; inanimate nature - the Sun (change of day and night, change of seasons, influence of light and heat of the Sun), water (where it is, what it is used for, water pollution, experiments with water, water circulation in nature), air (where it is , what is it used for, air pollution), land (appearance of the natural environment, what is it used for); experiments; sides of the world and orientation in space; continents; Solar system (planets, Moon), magnetism, electricity and gravity.

Reviewers: Danijela Radlović Čubrilo, PhD., Nataša Milošević Adamović, PhD., Snežana Bogdanović

All rights reserved. No photocopies, prints, scans, other types of paper or electronic dissemination of this book are permitted without the author's express written consent.



  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Gordana Paunović

    Ova knjiga je fenomenalna! Takve knjige nisam do sada videla. Moja topla preporuka!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    ;arija Pavlovic

    Књига је врло интересантна, примамљива за децу и одрасле. Нешто ново, књига пружа могућност деци да пуно тога науче кроз игру. Препоручујем књигу свима.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Knjiga je sjajna, kreativna, poučna i veoma zabavna deci.
    Topla preporuka

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    Širina i posvećenost autorke ove knjige intrigira i obavezuje da se čita i razmišlja. Što da ne?!

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Jelena Kačavenda

    Kao što i sam naziv kaže, ova knjiga je čudesna! Deca su oduševljena, način na koji se koristi sadržaj iz ove knjige, zahvaljujući QR kodu je prezanimljiv i deci, a i nama koji radimo sa decom!

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Original price was: 2,990.00рсд.Current price is: 1,990.00рсд.